Steal My Horses And Run
©2008 Tee Pee Records
Vinyl has made a comeback, and I could not be happier! Plus, the album came with a digital download of the whole thing. Sweet! I first discovered Blackstrap reading a review in the Phantom Tollbooth archives. I fell in love with that release. I thought it was a sure thing that this release would be just as solid. To put it bluntly, this surpassed my expectations by a long shot.
Think Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, except they are from Norway. Even that comparison does not fit entirely. From the opener, “Winning Speech”, Blackstrap is off and running like a thoroughbred being chased for dear life. On a spiritual plane, “Law Down Low” hits like sweet honey to the soul. Other strong tracks on this fluid release include “The Open Road”, “Repulsion”, “Still Sore”, and “I Burned Your Town”. For fans of BRMC, this is highly recommended and should get major notice.
10+ of 10 clicks
January 2009
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