Jesse Sprinkle
Surrounded By Lights
©2008 Blind Records
Jesse Sprinkle has become quite the well-rounded individual these days. As the former drummer for poor old lu, circa mid-1990’s, and filling the bill with Demon Hunter and Dead Poetic for a few seasons not too long ago, his musical engineering side, plus the family thing, has swallowed him whole these days. Formerly from Oregon, he makes home with wife and four children in Avon, NY, a small-blink-and-your-through-it town in Western New York. Non-descript is a term I would use to describe Bluebrick Recordings, a studio indiscreetly located right next door and co-run with George Hochbrueckner, a native Western New Yorker. Now that the plug has been made, on with the review.
Meeting Jesse recently, I have gained an appreciation for simplicity of sound. Very organic and laid back is Surrounded By Lights, which is aptly handled by Jesse, with some local friends lending their talents throughout. He has become a versatile rhythm/acoustic guitarist as well.
For a self-produced indy disc, this is strong, fluid, somber, and yet upbeat. Strong tracks include, but are not limited to “Longing For The Ordinary”, “This Game Of God” (my favorite cut), “The Long Way Home”, and “Steel Buildings And Caskets”. Do yourself a favor and get your hands on this little disc. Support local music wherever it is created. They need us.
9.5 of 10 clicks
January 2009
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