The Day Fish Band
Dancing Along The Dingy Days
©2008 Tasty Orange Music
When I first saw that John Davis had produced these guys, intrigue crept to forefront of my head. Knowing the quality of John’s “Arigato!” release, connecting the dots proved any easy task. Mostly flowing down the acoustic driven river, The Day Fish Band has meshed out some brilliant sounding ideas into songs emanating life. Like hearing a slightly tamer version of the Vigilantes Of Love, driving blue-collar rhythms make up the backbone for much of this debut.
My only complaint rests in the time factor. Once it starts, you enjoy the ride down the river, and suddenly the ride ends. Either a quick ride rushing through your musical veins or meandering down a lazy river, The Day Fish Band provides an interesting detour to wrap around.
8.5 of 10 clicks
March 2009
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